The Single Camera Set-Up is where it uses one camera to record a scene. A single camera in motion pictures of film and television shows is employed on a location of where the production is taking place but each shot is taken separately due to the fact that the director has the control of what does happens in that particular shot of the scene in a film or TV series and the location that is set at. This means that you can use the more detailed coverage shots like high angle, low angle, close-up, two-shot, establishing shot, point of view and crane shots to make the scene more interesting for the audience to carry on watching the Film or TV show because without these shots being used, then it would become boring and dull to watch. The reason why this technique is used due to the 180 Degree Rule where this shows the relationship and records two actors within the line of action plus if this was recorded the whole way round (360 degrees), then it will ruin the flow of continuity as each of the coverage shots in the particular scenes of a Film or TV series will need to be consistent with the continuity. The genres that does uses a single camera in the production is in dramas, comedies, sitcoms and soap operas like EastEnders, True Blood, The Office (UK), Skins, Utopia etc. The reason why this set-up is used in these genres is because the director of a certain TV show is able to make more detailed coverage shots in a sequence of scenes.
Example of a Single camera production:
The Multi-Camera set-up is when it has more cameras in a scene to record. The production team will have 4 more cameras than the single set-up because it being recorded in a studio set and in front of a live audience which means that a certain shot like you see in a single camera will not to be recorded again. They have different angles shown on different camera which means that there is a more open choices to what angle is needed to be use and a downside of this is when a camera uses a low angle and the other cameras will need to show the same shot but this makes the editing much easier as all of the shots is in order. Also this set-up is used for live audience in comedies, soaps and chat shows like The Big Bang Theory, EastEnders, X-Factor, BBC Glastonbury etc. The reason why this set-up is used because it is being broadcast live in front of a live audience and able to show the different shots much easier than single camera does.
An example of the Multi-Camera:
The advantages and disadvantages of both set-ups
The advantages of Single Camera set-up:
- It is cheaper to set-up to than the Multi-Camera which you have to pay a lot of the money for the equipment to be use
- A dramatic effect can be used in the Film and TV Series to make more interesting for the audience to watch it more
- The director has control over what happens in the shot for example: changing the lighting between different shots from the scene to make it look realistic as in real life
- By using the 180 Degree Rule, it can show the relationship between the two characters by the line of action with the two cameras.
- You can group up the shots due to not having to follow the film's storyboard
- It will longer to edit as you have to put the more footage in order which needs to sorted out (which shots does work or not)
- You may break the continuity as the cameraman who is using the single camera will be tempted to ruin it
- The camera's quality would not be realistic or clear
- It would be hard to retake the scenes which is much easier if you used the Multi-Camera set-up.
Utopia (Season 2, Episode 6):
Doctor Who (Season 9, Prologue):
The advantages of Multi-Camera set-up:
- While using the different shots in the Multi-Camera set-up, the audience who are watching it at home will be able to see other people's emotion and reactions
- It will be quicker to film as you will not have to re-do the scenes
- By using more cameras, it will cover the areas more than the single camera set-up does
- There will be less issues with continuity which means that the characters will not need to be different
The disadvantages of Multi-camera set-up:
- It will take longer to set-up the equipment
- The cost will be high as you have to pay for the equipment (cameras) and crews for the filming of TV shows
Examples of a Multi Camera productions
BBC Glastonbury (Beyonce):
The Graham Norton Show (Lewis Hamilton on receiving an MBE):
Series is where it has continuing characters from the same TV Series but does a different story each episode. A example of this format is a The Big Bang Theory because it has a scenario in one episode which is shown on television and then in the next episode, it moves to a different scenario as the story has moved on as well.
Serial is when it tells one story through several episodes and a example of this is Breaking Bad where it is based on two main characters of Walter White and Jesse Pinkham who is helping to make and sell methamphetamine to secure Walter's family financial future before he dies.
Single-Drama is where it tells one story through one video which usually last for 60 minutes or 90 minutes. A perfect example of a single-drama is CSI: New York (Crime Scene Investigation) where a team look into murders by using physical evidence.
Narrative Structure
Linear or also known as the three act structure is when you have a story which starts with a beginning, middle and ending in a straight line. A example of this structure is Up where two characters (Carl and Ellie) meet at a young age and then they get married later on their life but after Ellie suffers an miscarriage and can not have any children, they realised their dream to go to Paradise Falls. Even though they try to save money for the trip it is used on needed things but on after Carl getting the tickets for the trip, Ellie becomes ill and dies which is up to Carl to go Paradise Falls for Ellie.
Non-Linear narrative is when it starts at the middle of the story and shows flashbacks of what has happened in the past. An example of a film of this narrative is Batman: The Dark Knight Rises where Miranda Tate stabs Batman and tells him that she is actually Talia Al Ghul (Father of Ra's Al Ghul) which it shows flashbacks of her escaping the prison which Bane aided her escape.
Episodic narrative is a story that is told by a series of episodes. A example is Friends where it has one setting but each episode has a new story behind it.
Open narrative is when it usually have many characters as possible but has no foreseeable ending. Like with EastEnders for example. Since the programme started in 1985, the audience has seen the characters changed through the years but still watch the show because it is multi-stranded as it looks at the other character's point of view.
Closed narrative is where a film comes to an ending. An example is in the middle of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen where Optimus Prime engages a battle with Megatron, Starscream and Grindor after the Autobots arrived just on time to save Sam. Easily outmatched, Optimus take on all of them by defeating Starscream and killing Grindor but while looking for Sam, he gets stabbed in the back and shot by Megatron. Then it cuts to a scene where The Fallen gets up and says "At last, Prime is dead" and just before he dies, he tells Sam to run.
Realist narrative is where a story is told from a real life situation which means that it is high possibility that some things will happen at some point in someone's lifetime like for example Rush.
Anti-Realist narrative is not based on real life situation as the things that you see in either tv programmes or movies is not real as the stories is made-up.
Single stranded is when you have one main character in a story but has minor characters as well included in a film. A example is Hercules where it goes through the things that as happened in his life.
Multi-stranded is where it has different character's point of views. An example is Love Actually when it has 8 different character's point of view but stays within the story.

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