As an editor, I have imported the scenes into the editing software of Final Cut Pro where there is screen-grabs of the footage that I have got which it is showing evidence that I have got out to film the sequences that is required for my short film which is being shown in on the first screenshot. I have the footage into two bins of the location including the certain part of it which my production went to film the short film so when putting the footage into the right bins will make easier for myself to put the correct footage of the order of the way that my short film.

Here on the left of the second screenshot is all of the possible shots that I could use for my short film but as I am in the post-production stage of film-making, it is important to make sure that I do label it as either good or bad and including the shot type in initials so it does not take. The main reason behind this is because so yourself can look at the footage and decide what is a good or bad take within the clip but making sure by deciding where you are put the clip within the sequence so the film will make for the audience that are going to watch the film like, for example: usually you would have a master shot that may set the tone for your film which could be put in the beginning to show the location of the short film.

Here on the third screenshot, I have created an XML file of my edit for my one minute short film so another person can make it better by using different special effects and adding soundtrack (to make the film more interesting for the audience) that are going to watch it for the first time.
To see the coding of the Final Cut Pro on Microsoft Excel, first thing that you do by clicking on file and exporting as an XML file and saving it, it will appear on the desktop area. Then you will have to right click the file and open it through Excel so you can see the coding of the edit of my short film. The main reason you may want to save as an XML file, it is because you can carry on with editing your short film of where you left from through using a different computer that has an editing software like, for example: Final Cut Pro.
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