Friday 9 June 2017

Task 5C: 3rd Meeting with the client

8th June 2017

On this day, we had met up with the client in terms of getting some feedback on the rough cut on the one of the idents that the group have made during the production stage which was the hands ident while getting the final version of the suite of idents done as well.

Meeting deadlines; (weekly diary of progress to schedule)

I feel that we are completely on schedule to meeting the deadline of 9th June by handing the work in on time as our teacher needs to mark it since there will be no resubmission for the work so not only myself and other people in the team need to make sure that the work was done and checked correctly.

ii. Liaison with client (Meeting)

I said above, we met with the client to get feedback on one of the idents which was the hands version where he felt that it wasn't too bad at all but there was some improvements that we can make to this like for example: if we had to follow the storyboard idea for the ident that we originally set out, then it would have been more effective. Not only that, we had created an ad for the college instead of an ident for the channel so we were not following the normal convention for this since we had been taught about this in the lesson leading up to the stages of pre-production

iii. Client Negotiation; (changes and compromises made in discussion based on rough cuts)

After getting the feedback from the client, he had asked for weaknesses of this particular ident to be made in terms of the change for the logo by making it three seconds longer for the viewer to see so they get the brand recognition and the time to read the channel's name as well.

iv. Quality Management; (meeting to discuss the production quality and fitness for purpose of each of the idents)

I would say that the quality of management was good at this point since everyone knew of what they were doing exactly like for example: the editors of Lawrence and James knew that the idents had to be done and posted on the site of Weebly on the deadline.

v. Teamworking; (weekly team log of contributions and managements of the production)

For the suite of idents, the people who were in charge of getting the final version done was Lawrence and James in which they are nearly done with the editing of these since they have been working on it after we had finished with the production stage a few week before and during the half-term as well.

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