1: An Production Budget
Since we have an budget of £50 to us, we need to make sure that the money is spent wisely because if we had to spent all in one go but we needed for something which is connected to the making the suite of idents, it would be impossible to get it and the responsibility will fall on the producer since he/she is managing the production of what needs to be done as each part of the team will have different roles that needs to be done so the work needs to be done before the deadline date. So we need to make sure that we do spend the money correctly rather than in one go like for example: for the equipment of camera and tripod for which it is needed for the making the suite of idents will be free as we are going to be hiring out the equipment from the college but we had to do this industry, then it will cost of a lot of money to buy it and making sure that it is looked-after well but if does not happen, then we will need to buy an brand new piece of equipment that does get damaged.
Christ The King: St Mary’s College
DLSR Camera
SD Card
Camera Operator
Assistant Director
Post Production:
Editor Suite
CTK Football Kit
3: Production plan of meeting requirements with timescales (stages of pre-production and production tasks which has the team members involved with their roles)
Before it does come making the suite of idents for the client, we need to plan of what is going to be happening in terms of the stages of pre-production, production and post-production stages but there is going to be an timescales that is going to be set for even we can start making the idents for the client so it does promote the college of Christ The King: St Mary's.
Stages of Pre-Production
At first, we were given the brief that the whole class will be working on in different groups but after looking through the brief and checking to see if there was any concerns of what is required and then we met the client for the first time which David Pearson set the brief as an live one. During this meeting with the client for the first time, we decided to tell the client about our idea for one of suite of idents that we are planning to make for him so it does promote the college by making sure that the audience and students will have good enough reasons to come which he did give us some feedback.
Before meeting the client for the second time to pitch our ideas to the camera, we need to make sure that the pre-production work is done so we can put in as a folder so the client can see of what is going to be happening in terms of making suite of idents for the college. This partculair folder of work needs to have:
- Budget
- Production planning
- Possible solutions
- Designs of the ident
- Treatment
- Problems of Heath and Safety
- Resources
By completing the pre-production work as a group is all good but we need to move on the production side where as a group, we need to decide when we are starting to shoot the suite of idents while getting the equipments and props needed to start the production so the group need to make sure that they will arrive at the location at the right time as well.
After completing the shooting of four idents, the editor within our group will start to edit the idents by doing the rough cuts of what it does look like without the effects and logos but after getting feedback, then the editor will be able to add into extra parts that are needed within the ident and then export as an mp4 video but we need to consult with the client.
Review and Distrbution
Before we can upload it onto YouTube to generate some money through the views, we need to consult with the client to show the videos that we made to promote the college of Christ The King: St Mary's as David Pearson can give us feedback of what changes need to be made within the idents but if there is no changes need to be made and the client is happy with it, then it is possible that we can upload the videos onto YouTube which is a video platform that the target audience of 15-19 years old can see it.
Myself: Producer
Rosie: Director

Lawrence: Assistant Director

James: Editor

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