Here is the example of an multi-clipping that our group made for the music video of Two Wolves where Lawrence was the main star (unsigned artist):
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Here is the example of an multi-clipping that our group made for the music video of Two Wolves where Lawrence was the main star (unsigned artist):
Monday, 28 November 2016
Selection of Technical and Performance Crew (Assistant Director and Producer)
Unsigned Artist - Johnny Hutch (main actor-performance)
In this screenshot at the bottom of the this text that is getting written, it is unsigned artist of Johnny Hutch or he is also known as Johnny Hutchinson where the director (Lawrence) founded him and listened to his one of recent tracks of Two Wolves which he asked for permission to use his track because we are going to be making a music video for him as it is going to create his image for him and his audience in general because they are going to be interested in the visuals more than the music (audio) being heard in the video.

Technical Roles
In terms of the technical roles during the music video, we have given different roles within the group to fill in since we are in a group of four because it has different responsibilities to do the job so the director had to decide to carefully the people to can do the job well rather than stacking behind but he needs to pick us in terms of the experience that we have got as well.
James White: Director of Photography (Editor)/ Camera Operator
Age: 18
Gender: Male
I have been chosen as the camera operator for this music video because I have creative skills in shooting footage and have done this camera operator work previously which he had worked with Kenny and Ashley when they had worked on the 1 minute short horror film in the previous course of 90-Credit which he had a good praise for the camerawork being seen in the video so he knows to use the camera well. In terms of the responsibilities of this role, he will need to write up an storyboard of what is going to be happening within the different scenes of the music video but also, he is going to be working with the director of Lawrence in terms of the shooting script as well.
Daniel Storey: Producer
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The way that I found this person is via LinkedIn but the main reason why I was chosen to this role by the director is because I can be well-organized and self-motivated by making sure that the crew are up to date with the work in general like for example: if we are about to shoot on location for the music video then I need to make sure that everyone shows up on time to get started.
As I am the producer of the production company of I-Watch, the skills that is required to do this job is by being well organised and making sure that everyone in our group is working to their best ability as possible so they can meet the deadlines in time. Also I will need to write an risk assessment of the locations that we have chosen to film at because there will be hazards appearing which could end up harming one of our crew although I will need to get permission to film that particular location so we do not get in trouble with the police.
Rosie Hellawell: Assistant Director/Lighting Operator
Gender: Female
Contact Email:
This person was found using the site of LinkedIn but the reason why she is good for this role because she has experience of working with lighting for other productions such as a short film that she worked with Maya in the previous coursework and how to use the equipment, which we will be hiring from the college for free of cost. Also she knows how to light a set so that it creates the mood of the song by having an steady hand which are holding the handheld lighting packs but during her role of this production team, she will be working with the Director of Photography for the animatic which it will show her creative side of editing each shot that is going to be seen in the video by cutting to the beat of the track which we are using to make an music video for the unsigned artist.
Lawrence Akintayo: Director
Age: 18
Gender: Male
He has taken the role of being the director because he found an unsigned artist and also has been given permission to use the track from the unsigned artist that we are going to be using to make music video with the track's genre being Electronic. Not only that, he is very imaginative when it comes to storytelling because he wants to show the audience of what is going to be seen in the video as it is his artistic vision so the video is going to be narrative-based story with some performance which it is going to challenge the conventions of an common music video that is seen today.
His responsibility is going to be making sure that he tells the actor (unsigned artist) what to do through the different shots that are going to be filmed at the location and may get seen in the final video and also includes doing an location recce where he wants to film and working with the director of photography/camera operator of James in terms of the Shooting Script.
In this screenshot at the bottom of the this text that is getting written, it is unsigned artist of Johnny Hutch or he is also known as Johnny Hutchinson where the director (Lawrence) founded him and listened to his one of recent tracks of Two Wolves which he asked for permission to use his track because we are going to be making a music video for him as it is going to create his image for him and his audience in general because they are going to be interested in the visuals more than the music (audio) being heard in the video.

Technical Roles
In terms of the technical roles during the music video, we have given different roles within the group to fill in since we are in a group of four because it has different responsibilities to do the job so the director had to decide to carefully the people to can do the job well rather than stacking behind but he needs to pick us in terms of the experience that we have got as well.
James White: Director of Photography (Editor)/ Camera Operator
Age: 18
Gender: Male
I have been chosen as the camera operator for this music video because I have creative skills in shooting footage and have done this camera operator work previously which he had worked with Kenny and Ashley when they had worked on the 1 minute short horror film in the previous course of 90-Credit which he had a good praise for the camerawork being seen in the video so he knows to use the camera well. In terms of the responsibilities of this role, he will need to write up an storyboard of what is going to be happening within the different scenes of the music video but also, he is going to be working with the director of Lawrence in terms of the shooting script as well.
Daniel Storey: Producer
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The way that I found this person is via LinkedIn but the main reason why I was chosen to this role by the director is because I can be well-organized and self-motivated by making sure that the crew are up to date with the work in general like for example: if we are about to shoot on location for the music video then I need to make sure that everyone shows up on time to get started.
As I am the producer of the production company of I-Watch, the skills that is required to do this job is by being well organised and making sure that everyone in our group is working to their best ability as possible so they can meet the deadlines in time. Also I will need to write an risk assessment of the locations that we have chosen to film at because there will be hazards appearing which could end up harming one of our crew although I will need to get permission to film that particular location so we do not get in trouble with the police.
Gender: Female
Contact Email:
This person was found using the site of LinkedIn but the reason why she is good for this role because she has experience of working with lighting for other productions such as a short film that she worked with Maya in the previous coursework and how to use the equipment, which we will be hiring from the college for free of cost. Also she knows how to light a set so that it creates the mood of the song by having an steady hand which are holding the handheld lighting packs but during her role of this production team, she will be working with the Director of Photography for the animatic which it will show her creative side of editing each shot that is going to be seen in the video by cutting to the beat of the track which we are using to make an music video for the unsigned artist.
Lawrence Akintayo: Director
Age: 18
Gender: Male
He has taken the role of being the director because he found an unsigned artist and also has been given permission to use the track from the unsigned artist that we are going to be using to make music video with the track's genre being Electronic. Not only that, he is very imaginative when it comes to storytelling because he wants to show the audience of what is going to be seen in the video as it is his artistic vision so the video is going to be narrative-based story with some performance which it is going to challenge the conventions of an common music video that is seen today.
His responsibility is going to be making sure that he tells the actor (unsigned artist) what to do through the different shots that are going to be filmed at the location and may get seen in the final video and also includes doing an location recce where he wants to film and working with the director of photography/camera operator of James in terms of the Shooting Script.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Permission for Filming
Before our group goes filming the music video and then goes to an editing suite where it will be edited and uploaded onto YouTube which it will promote the unsigned artist's image due to the audience want to see what the visuals looks so they will remember the song in general, we had to contact the filming council for permission to avoid problems with the police so this is my responsibility to do this since I am the producer of making sure that everything is in place which everyone in our group does their job.
Location: Canary Wharf
In terms of the location that the director (Lawrence) wanted to use in our music video is Canary Wharf which it is a major business area in East London so I had to research how to get permission from them to film our music video for an unsigned artist of Johnny Hutchinson who made the track of Two Wolves. So I research how to contact the press office of Canary Wharf to ask if we can film there with their permission which I found on this PDF file via the Film London website.
Location: Canary Wharf
In terms of the location that the director (Lawrence) wanted to use in our music video is Canary Wharf which it is a major business area in East London so I had to research how to get permission from them to film our music video for an unsigned artist of Johnny Hutchinson who made the track of Two Wolves. So I research how to contact the press office of Canary Wharf to ask if we can film there with their permission which I found on this PDF file via the Film London website.
After finding out how to contacting the press office of Canary Wharf, I emailed them about if it is ok that we can film our music video for our unsigned artist at the location on the 27 to 28th November 2016 which it is for our BTEC Media Exended Diploma Coursework where the person who we emailed was Lesley Johnson who is the head of the office and here is the screenshot of the email:
After discussion with Lesley Johnson about filming there as Roopa's group gained permission already from them and asking if we were working with them which we are not at all because we are working with an unsigned artist, he finally said that we can film at Canary Wharf but not during peak times where business people will be around but did us that we are only the group to ask for permission to film there as they do not want to accommodate a lot of people.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Pre-Production: Team Roles and Responsibility (Producer)
Team roles and responsibility
Within our group of four which are myself, Rosie, Lawrence and James, we have given the different roles by the director to work on while we are making the music video for an unsigned artist which it has different responsibility to fill if we are going to be as a group.
Lawrence A: Director
Lawrence has been handed the role of being the director for this music video since he is the one who came with the idea of making the video for the unsigned artist of Johnny Hutch's Two Wolves so it is promoting his image and the track of Two Wolves at the same time to the target audience depending on the genre of the song that it is. While working with the per-production and production stages with the producer, camera and the lighting operator during the making this music video of Two Wolves, he is going to be using his artistic vision to visualize of what is going to happen in the video through the visuals so it is able to enhance the artist's image in a way that it will attract an bigger audience for the artist.
Daniel Storey: Producer
I was handed this role of being the producer by the director because he felt that I am more than capable of taking responsibility for the team of making sure that the team can get the pre-production, production and post-production stages before an deadline has to be met to be completed for the music video to be finished and put on YouTube to promote the artist's image and the song itself but not only that I will need to write an risk assessment on both locations that we are going to be using to film our music video because there is could be hazards that could end with one of the crew getting hurt so it is important to take photos of it so we can avoid it when it comes to filming.
James White: Camera Operator
As for the camera operator of the music video, the director (Lawrence) decided to pick James of doing this role because he has got experience of how to use the camera in terms of changing the framing, focus and composition of different camera shots that are going to be seen in the video to gain the audience's interest in the visuals because they are interested in that rather than the music being heard today but also he will need to work with the director on the shot list of what types of shots are going to be seen in the video. Other things that he needs to do is story-boarding the music video of what is happening in the shots and how long the shots are going to be, shooting script of what is going to be happening with the visuals and the music itself which he is going to be working with the director and doing the animatic of what is going to be seen in the video with the assistant director.
Rosie Hellawell: Lighting Operator/Assistant Director
Finally I am going to be talking about Rosie who is going to be the assistant director during the pre-production stage where she is going to be working with the producer (myself) on the section where we have to talk about the technicial and production crew in terms of who is appearing in the production stage of making the music video and working with the camera operator in terms of the animatic of how each shot is going to look like but it will be drawn on paper. After moving from this and to the production stage of filming the music video, she is going to be acting as the lighting operator since she has experience of lighting a set which she did on a 1 minute short film which it is important for the music video that is going to be made soon as we need to create mood and atmosphere in the visuals.
Within our group of four which are myself, Rosie, Lawrence and James, we have given the different roles by the director to work on while we are making the music video for an unsigned artist which it has different responsibility to fill if we are going to be as a group.
Lawrence A: Director
Lawrence has been handed the role of being the director for this music video since he is the one who came with the idea of making the video for the unsigned artist of Johnny Hutch's Two Wolves so it is promoting his image and the track of Two Wolves at the same time to the target audience depending on the genre of the song that it is. While working with the per-production and production stages with the producer, camera and the lighting operator during the making this music video of Two Wolves, he is going to be using his artistic vision to visualize of what is going to happen in the video through the visuals so it is able to enhance the artist's image in a way that it will attract an bigger audience for the artist.
Daniel Storey: Producer
I was handed this role of being the producer by the director because he felt that I am more than capable of taking responsibility for the team of making sure that the team can get the pre-production, production and post-production stages before an deadline has to be met to be completed for the music video to be finished and put on YouTube to promote the artist's image and the song itself but not only that I will need to write an risk assessment on both locations that we are going to be using to film our music video because there is could be hazards that could end with one of the crew getting hurt so it is important to take photos of it so we can avoid it when it comes to filming.
James White: Camera Operator
As for the camera operator of the music video, the director (Lawrence) decided to pick James of doing this role because he has got experience of how to use the camera in terms of changing the framing, focus and composition of different camera shots that are going to be seen in the video to gain the audience's interest in the visuals because they are interested in that rather than the music being heard today but also he will need to work with the director on the shot list of what types of shots are going to be seen in the video. Other things that he needs to do is story-boarding the music video of what is happening in the shots and how long the shots are going to be, shooting script of what is going to be happening with the visuals and the music itself which he is going to be working with the director and doing the animatic of what is going to be seen in the video with the assistant director.
Rosie Hellawell: Lighting Operator/Assistant Director
Finally I am going to be talking about Rosie who is going to be the assistant director during the pre-production stage where she is going to be working with the producer (myself) on the section where we have to talk about the technicial and production crew in terms of who is appearing in the production stage of making the music video and working with the camera operator in terms of the animatic of how each shot is going to look like but it will be drawn on paper. After moving from this and to the production stage of filming the music video, she is going to be acting as the lighting operator since she has experience of lighting a set which she did on a 1 minute short film which it is important for the music video that is going to be made soon as we need to create mood and atmosphere in the visuals.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Synaesthesia mood-board (Individual)
(ii) Visual Style, (MES - costume, locations, lighting, CAM angles, shot types, focus and composition, VISUAL EFFECTS)
In terms of this mood-board that I have done in terms of the visual style which I created by using the app of Morpholio, it has got the locations that we are going to be filming in which is an empty car park which it has not been used in years and the South Bank in central London where the character is going to be ending up although we will need to get permission from the film council to be able to do this.
500 word on the treatment (Individual)
(iii) How it is on Trend for the Genre (with reference to competitors)
In terms the genre of electronic music which our track is in general when we are about to shoot the music video, it will be On-Trend with the genre because we do not want to mislead the audience by making a video that is not relating to the particular type of music which the artist makes for their type of audience. So I am going to be looking at the different competitor's example of music videos for whom the artist and the production crew have been made for their audience so they can see what is commonly used today.
Kavinsky: Odd Look
The first example that I am going to be analysing in terms of the on-trend in electronic music is Kavinsky's Odd Look. For what that I can see in this video is that is no performance-based happening in terms of the artist appearing in the video and lip-syncing the track at all which it is common convention that is seen in different music videos of different genres of music that is artist is making for the audience but in terms of what I have seen in this video is that, there is a narrative-based story being told here within this video where this man who has superpowers saves this girl from distress from a group of men in a local bar. I do believe that it is convention of electronic music as it looks more abstract in a way that it is showing the audience that the artist is trying to be more creative rather than having an box-standard music video for the audience to see.
James Blake: Overgrown
The second example of a electronic music video is James Blake's Overgrown. From what I have seen in this video, it is that there is a good use of low key lighting within this video when it comes to the visuals of the music video because it is allowing to see the character's darker side more rather than lighter side of him/her that is seen in the visuals. As a group, the director wants to use low-key lighting within our music video that we are going to be making for the unsigned artist soon enough after we moved on from the pre-production stage because we are going to show the character's ego of dark and later on into the video, it will get lighter.
Although in this video, there is one person playing as a character when the audience are looking at the visuals of what is happening in which it is trying to convey different emotions and having long thoughts at the same time because electronic music is meant be reflective so in our music video, we have one character who will go through different emotions of being angry and frustrated to being happy towards the end.
SBTRKT: Trials of The Past
With the editing of the video, they manage to keep the editing as long as possible so there is longer shots being shown through the visuals so the audience can see this because it is slower and adding the use of slow motion in the post-production stage when the crew were making this, it allowed the video to be abstract and more interesting to look at so it adds more focus although we are intending to have some slow motion shots of the artist because our track from the unsigned artist is mid-tempo so it is medium paced compared to the video that I am talking about which is also medium-paced as well.
In terms the genre of electronic music which our track is in general when we are about to shoot the music video, it will be On-Trend with the genre because we do not want to mislead the audience by making a video that is not relating to the particular type of music which the artist makes for their type of audience. So I am going to be looking at the different competitor's example of music videos for whom the artist and the production crew have been made for their audience so they can see what is commonly used today.
Kavinsky: Odd Look
The first example that I am going to be analysing in terms of the on-trend in electronic music is Kavinsky's Odd Look. For what that I can see in this video is that is no performance-based happening in terms of the artist appearing in the video and lip-syncing the track at all which it is common convention that is seen in different music videos of different genres of music that is artist is making for the audience but in terms of what I have seen in this video is that, there is a narrative-based story being told here within this video where this man who has superpowers saves this girl from distress from a group of men in a local bar. I do believe that it is convention of electronic music as it looks more abstract in a way that it is showing the audience that the artist is trying to be more creative rather than having an box-standard music video for the audience to see.
James Blake: Overgrown
The second example of a electronic music video is James Blake's Overgrown. From what I have seen in this video, it is that there is a good use of low key lighting within this video when it comes to the visuals of the music video because it is allowing to see the character's darker side more rather than lighter side of him/her that is seen in the visuals. As a group, the director wants to use low-key lighting within our music video that we are going to be making for the unsigned artist soon enough after we moved on from the pre-production stage because we are going to show the character's ego of dark and later on into the video, it will get lighter.
Although in this video, there is one person playing as a character when the audience are looking at the visuals of what is happening in which it is trying to convey different emotions and having long thoughts at the same time because electronic music is meant be reflective so in our music video, we have one character who will go through different emotions of being angry and frustrated to being happy towards the end.
SBTRKT: Trials of The Past
With the editing of the video, they manage to keep the editing as long as possible so there is longer shots being shown through the visuals so the audience can see this because it is slower and adding the use of slow motion in the post-production stage when the crew were making this, it allowed the video to be abstract and more interesting to look at so it adds more focus although we are intending to have some slow motion shots of the artist because our track from the unsigned artist is mid-tempo so it is medium paced compared to the video that I am talking about which is also medium-paced as well.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Assessment 3B and 3C (iii): How to use Green Screen and Effects
Assessment 3B
For this task of 3B of the assessment, I had to create to 10 second test footage of the song that we are using from the unsigned artist which my one is D_MajorUK's Go Hard off his eight track EP of A Dawn Of New Era where I have the use of Chroma Key (Green Screen) and effects within it so it looks like an Hip-Hop video but I am doing it in an guide of doing this.
So the first part that I did was filmed of myself being filmed in the green screen lip-syncing of the song of Go Hard by the unsigned artist of D_MajorUK for whom I found on the audio steaming service of Soundcloud which our group filmed one shot of an close-up and another one of myself to the side while doing this, the lighting within the green screen had to be correct in terms of lighting myself being away from the green background as it will prevent any shadows from being seen when I look back on the footage on the editing software of Final Cut Pro 10.
After putting the actual song and the footage onto the editing software of Final Cut Pro, I had to edit the song down to 13 second to get the intro of it but with the footage, there is was a problem with it which was that the microphone wasn't on because the group didn't realize this at the time during the filming in the green screen. The reason we needed the microphone on was because I will be able to remember where to put the lip-syncing parts with the actual song of Go Hard so I had to edit it to match with the song so for next time, our group will need to make sure that the microphone is on before start filming.
With the editing of matching the lip-syncing footage with the actual song of Go Hard by the unsigned artist of D_Major UK done, the next thing that I added the effect of Keyer that can be found on Final Cut Pro because I will be able to add stock footage from Shutterstock to the background so it makes the use of green screen more effective which after doing this, I went on Shutterstock to find the suitable stock footage that fits the genre of the song which is Hip-Hop. Next thing that I did that was done was added is Color Correction in terms of the Saturation and Exposure in the three pieces of footage of lip-syncing parts so it matches with the background of stock footage and looks like an Hip-Hip music video rather than it being dull for the green screen being ineffective but not only that, I also added another effect on the editing software of Final Cut Pro called Gaussian because it will make myself look like that I am actually there and making sure that I am not blurred out in a way where I turned it down to 1.82 which it was the amount.
For the stock footage, I had used the effect of Focus because it allows to give a better of depth of field within the background and it is better to look at in terms of the green screen so it does not look bad and poor but I also added the use of color correction of Saturation and Exposure to make it look more realistic to the genre of music where it is Hip-hop.
For the conclusion of this How to Guide of using the green screen and effects on Final Cut Pro 10 to create an 10 second video of the lip-syncing of the track 'Go Hard', I do truly believe that I used the effects and green screen effectively to make the video look like the genre of Hip-Hop because it looks more realistic in a way rather than using the green screen and effects ineffectively but there was another effect that I could have used to make it look better was 50's TV or in another words Black and White so it can be more interesting to look at and fit the genre of Hip-Hop more.
Assessment 3C
For this task 3C (iii) of the assessment, I am going to be looking describing the use of Chroma Key & Effects in terms of why it is used in the Music Video Production of the benefits and negatives of it while looking at the music videos that famous artists have used in an effective or ineffectively ways.
The definition of Chroma Key is an special effect that is mainly in the post-production stage where you can replace the original image that is being seen in the video which is the green screen and having an footage that the production crew has filmed like for example: an Location in London that is being filmed and going to be used in an music video, so you can add this piece of footage as a background to make easier for them as it is cheaper of doing this but not only that, it will interpret the track through the visuals and the lyrics in which the video is being seen by the audience but in way, the artist is creating an hyper-real world to show that they are creative and artistic rather than making an standard music video with the normal conventions that is seen today.
When it comes to the effects that is normally found on editing software of Final Cut Pro, it is a good idea to use them in an effective way because depending on the type of genre that yourself and the production are making an music video for the artist, it is important to find the right effect and transitions to match the genre of the song like for example: if I was making an Hip-Hop Music Video, the possible effects that I could use on Final Cut is Focus, Saturation and Exposure (Color Correction) and Gaussian to create an realistic video but has to depend on the type of location that you used.
After explaining what is and the purpose of Chroma Key and the effects that you can use on Final Cut Pro, I am going to be looking at two music videos that has good or bad use of the green screen and effects with the reasons why:
Micheal Jackson: Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
An example of a music video that has a good use of Chroma Key and effects is Micheal Jackson's 1979 single of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough where it is off his fifth studio album of Off The Wall which the genre of the single is Disco/Funk but the reason why the green screen (Chroma Key) and effects were being used throughout this music video is because it is matching with one of the Goodwin's 6 features which is music and visuals rather than the lyrics because the background is changing throughout the video since the track sounds groovy so it matches with it so the video more abstract so the artist is creative and artistic in a way. After this music video of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough by Micheal Jackson was shown on television in 1979, this was the beginning of green screen of being used from different artists in their videos although some of it were good but there was bad ones as well.
Kanye West: Bound 2
Second example of a music video that I am going to be looking at the music video of Kanye West's Bound 2 which is a single off his sixth studio album of Yeezus but the genre of music that the artist does make for his audience is Hip-Hop. When this music video came out on 19th November, the reception that it got from audience and critics were mixed because the lyrics of the music wasn't linking with the visuals which it is linking to the one of Goodwin's 6 features so it made it more confusing for the audience to understand what is happening in the video but in a way when he is riding on the dirt bike, it is showing that he is arrogant as the artist is reforming his image or there is possibility that he is portarying an fake image which it is common use in music videos to create the hyper-reailty for the audience to believe it.
The question that is still unanswered is there an over-reliance on the green screen/FX in music videos which I believe that it is used today because it wants to show the artist is trying to be more creative and artistic when it comes to using the green screen or even the special effects but sometimes, this can be overused to the point that it becomes ineffective.
For this task of 3B of the assessment, I had to create to 10 second test footage of the song that we are using from the unsigned artist which my one is D_MajorUK's Go Hard off his eight track EP of A Dawn Of New Era where I have the use of Chroma Key (Green Screen) and effects within it so it looks like an Hip-Hop video but I am doing it in an guide of doing this.
So the first part that I did was filmed of myself being filmed in the green screen lip-syncing of the song of Go Hard by the unsigned artist of D_MajorUK for whom I found on the audio steaming service of Soundcloud which our group filmed one shot of an close-up and another one of myself to the side while doing this, the lighting within the green screen had to be correct in terms of lighting myself being away from the green background as it will prevent any shadows from being seen when I look back on the footage on the editing software of Final Cut Pro 10.
After putting the actual song and the footage onto the editing software of Final Cut Pro, I had to edit the song down to 13 second to get the intro of it but with the footage, there is was a problem with it which was that the microphone wasn't on because the group didn't realize this at the time during the filming in the green screen. The reason we needed the microphone on was because I will be able to remember where to put the lip-syncing parts with the actual song of Go Hard so I had to edit it to match with the song so for next time, our group will need to make sure that the microphone is on before start filming.
With the editing of matching the lip-syncing footage with the actual song of Go Hard by the unsigned artist of D_Major UK done, the next thing that I added the effect of Keyer that can be found on Final Cut Pro because I will be able to add stock footage from Shutterstock to the background so it makes the use of green screen more effective which after doing this, I went on Shutterstock to find the suitable stock footage that fits the genre of the song which is Hip-Hop. Next thing that I did that was done was added is Color Correction in terms of the Saturation and Exposure in the three pieces of footage of lip-syncing parts so it matches with the background of stock footage and looks like an Hip-Hip music video rather than it being dull for the green screen being ineffective but not only that, I also added another effect on the editing software of Final Cut Pro called Gaussian because it will make myself look like that I am actually there and making sure that I am not blurred out in a way where I turned it down to 1.82 which it was the amount.
For the stock footage, I had used the effect of Focus because it allows to give a better of depth of field within the background and it is better to look at in terms of the green screen so it does not look bad and poor but I also added the use of color correction of Saturation and Exposure to make it look more realistic to the genre of music where it is Hip-hop.
For the conclusion of this How to Guide of using the green screen and effects on Final Cut Pro 10 to create an 10 second video of the lip-syncing of the track 'Go Hard', I do truly believe that I used the effects and green screen effectively to make the video look like the genre of Hip-Hop because it looks more realistic in a way rather than using the green screen and effects ineffectively but there was another effect that I could have used to make it look better was 50's TV or in another words Black and White so it can be more interesting to look at and fit the genre of Hip-Hop more.
Assessment 3C
For this task 3C (iii) of the assessment, I am going to be looking describing the use of Chroma Key & Effects in terms of why it is used in the Music Video Production of the benefits and negatives of it while looking at the music videos that famous artists have used in an effective or ineffectively ways.
The definition of Chroma Key is an special effect that is mainly in the post-production stage where you can replace the original image that is being seen in the video which is the green screen and having an footage that the production crew has filmed like for example: an Location in London that is being filmed and going to be used in an music video, so you can add this piece of footage as a background to make easier for them as it is cheaper of doing this but not only that, it will interpret the track through the visuals and the lyrics in which the video is being seen by the audience but in way, the artist is creating an hyper-real world to show that they are creative and artistic rather than making an standard music video with the normal conventions that is seen today.
When it comes to the effects that is normally found on editing software of Final Cut Pro, it is a good idea to use them in an effective way because depending on the type of genre that yourself and the production are making an music video for the artist, it is important to find the right effect and transitions to match the genre of the song like for example: if I was making an Hip-Hop Music Video, the possible effects that I could use on Final Cut is Focus, Saturation and Exposure (Color Correction) and Gaussian to create an realistic video but has to depend on the type of location that you used.
After explaining what is and the purpose of Chroma Key and the effects that you can use on Final Cut Pro, I am going to be looking at two music videos that has good or bad use of the green screen and effects with the reasons why:
Micheal Jackson: Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
An example of a music video that has a good use of Chroma Key and effects is Micheal Jackson's 1979 single of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough where it is off his fifth studio album of Off The Wall which the genre of the single is Disco/Funk but the reason why the green screen (Chroma Key) and effects were being used throughout this music video is because it is matching with one of the Goodwin's 6 features which is music and visuals rather than the lyrics because the background is changing throughout the video since the track sounds groovy so it matches with it so the video more abstract so the artist is creative and artistic in a way. After this music video of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough by Micheal Jackson was shown on television in 1979, this was the beginning of green screen of being used from different artists in their videos although some of it were good but there was bad ones as well.
Kanye West: Bound 2
Second example of a music video that I am going to be looking at the music video of Kanye West's Bound 2 which is a single off his sixth studio album of Yeezus but the genre of music that the artist does make for his audience is Hip-Hop. When this music video came out on 19th November, the reception that it got from audience and critics were mixed because the lyrics of the music wasn't linking with the visuals which it is linking to the one of Goodwin's 6 features so it made it more confusing for the audience to understand what is happening in the video but in a way when he is riding on the dirt bike, it is showing that he is arrogant as the artist is reforming his image or there is possibility that he is portarying an fake image which it is common use in music videos to create the hyper-reailty for the audience to believe it.
The question that is still unanswered is there an over-reliance on the green screen/FX in music videos which I believe that it is used today because it wants to show the artist is trying to be more creative and artistic when it comes to using the green screen or even the special effects but sometimes, this can be overused to the point that it becomes ineffective.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Asessment 3C (ii-Camera Movement and Angles)
For this task, I am going to be looking at the different camera movement and angles in which I need to identify and giving an detailed explanation of what is their purpose of using it so it makes it effective in a music video by providing examples as well from current music videos that have been made to gain the audience's interest into watching how good the visuals are since they are interested in this more rather than the track.
Arc is a type of camera movement where the cameraman is moving the camera around the subject that is being seen in the video so it is showing that the world is revolving around that particular subject which in this case, it is around the artist within the music video which in the example of In The Night Time by the band FranKo where the camera is pointing upwards but it is being spun around to create this effect which it appears around the 1.53 to 1.57 into the video.
Track Away
Tracking Away is a part of camera movement in which the definition behind this is where the camera is moving away from the subject that is seen in the visuals because the artist is coming towards the camera so in a way, it allows the subject to have the freedom rather than being cramped in one place which could make the music video genetic or predictable to watch for the audience that are seeing it on YouTube. A good example of an music video that use this type of camera movement of tracking away is The Weeknd's The Hills which it is a single off his second studio of Beauty Behind The Madness where this technique appears at 0.20, 0.43, 1.02 to 1.16 within this video although this technique is mostly used.
Dolly In
The definition of an Dolly In is where the camera operator is moving the camera slowly forward towards the artist but the way it is done is by putting the camera onto a dolly and then starting push it and zooming towards the artist itself but the reason why it is used and is seen in music video as it can be used for dramatic effect or making the character (artist) looking bigger when the camera moves in more. An example of a music video is Future and The Weeknd's Low Life where around the 1.08 to 1.09, you can see that the camera is moving towards them which it is making them look bigger in the shot which it is done to create an effect.
Low Angle
The definition of low angle is where the camera is pointing upwards to the subject so it makes them look like that they are dominant or powerful person that is being seen in the music video rather than the other people that also appear in it as well but an example of low angle is in Kendrick Lamar's Alright where it appear around the minute mark of 4.09 where the artist looks bigger as they are powerful as they are together.
High Angle
High Angle is when the camera operator is pointing the camera downwards on the person in the video so it makes them look weak compared to the dominant person when the audience are looking at the visuals of the song so an example of an music video that is use this angle is Lady Gaga's Just Dance ft Colby O' Donis where it appears around the 1.52 to 1.54 minute mark but the genre of the song is Pop, it is showing that the shot is focusing on the artist.
Canted Angle (Tilt)
The canted or also known Dutch angle (Tilt) is where the camera is in an slope so the horizontal and vertical lines will be changed rather than having an still camera shot of the artist so overall the composition would look better as the director is trying to be creative in terms of the camera work that the audience are going to be watching it due to the fact, they are interested in the visuals. An example of an Canted Angle being used is in Krept and Konan's Freak Of The Week which it had feature from American R&B singer of Jeremih which the angles appears 0.09 to 0.10 seconds into the video where Jeremih is lip-syncing his feature.
Crash Zoom
The definition of Crash Zoom where it is another type of camera movement where in any music video that is being watched by the audience is when the camera operator is moving in a fast rate towards to the artist which it is done by zooming in by the use of the camera on something but the reason why this is done because it creates an realization. An example of a music video that uses the crash zoom is One Direction's Perfect when the audience are feeling that they are moving towards the band member of Liam but the background of the shot is moving at the same time.
Birds Eye View
A Birds Eye View is where the shot is being filmed from the above of the location via going on higher ground or having an drone which it has a camera on it to film it although the camera operator will need to control it from causing damage to the product because they may need to pay for a new one. The reason why Birds Eye View is used in music video as it is establishing the scene of the location that is taking place and it can create an effect of looking down on the artist that appears in the video but here is an example of an hip-hop music video that uses this technique is Kid Ink's Summer In The Winter where it appears in the beginning of the video to show the location of which the video is going to be taking place.
Another thing that is related to camera movement which it can seen in a music video depending on the genre of the track/song is handheld where the definition behind this is a technique where the camera is being held by the operator's hands rather than having on the tripod which it creates an more realistic looking of the audience watching it like it is happening in real life. Finally another example of music video that is use Handheld is the song of Back-To Basics by CezPresents but the reason the cameraman decides to use this is because it is creating an sense of static due to the slow movement of the camera.
Arc is a type of camera movement where the cameraman is moving the camera around the subject that is being seen in the video so it is showing that the world is revolving around that particular subject which in this case, it is around the artist within the music video which in the example of In The Night Time by the band FranKo where the camera is pointing upwards but it is being spun around to create this effect which it appears around the 1.53 to 1.57 into the video.
Track Away
Tracking Away is a part of camera movement in which the definition behind this is where the camera is moving away from the subject that is seen in the visuals because the artist is coming towards the camera so in a way, it allows the subject to have the freedom rather than being cramped in one place which could make the music video genetic or predictable to watch for the audience that are seeing it on YouTube. A good example of an music video that use this type of camera movement of tracking away is The Weeknd's The Hills which it is a single off his second studio of Beauty Behind The Madness where this technique appears at 0.20, 0.43, 1.02 to 1.16 within this video although this technique is mostly used.
Dolly In
The definition of an Dolly In is where the camera operator is moving the camera slowly forward towards the artist but the way it is done is by putting the camera onto a dolly and then starting push it and zooming towards the artist itself but the reason why it is used and is seen in music video as it can be used for dramatic effect or making the character (artist) looking bigger when the camera moves in more. An example of a music video is Future and The Weeknd's Low Life where around the 1.08 to 1.09, you can see that the camera is moving towards them which it is making them look bigger in the shot which it is done to create an effect.
Low Angle
The definition of low angle is where the camera is pointing upwards to the subject so it makes them look like that they are dominant or powerful person that is being seen in the music video rather than the other people that also appear in it as well but an example of low angle is in Kendrick Lamar's Alright where it appear around the minute mark of 4.09 where the artist looks bigger as they are powerful as they are together.
High Angle
High Angle is when the camera operator is pointing the camera downwards on the person in the video so it makes them look weak compared to the dominant person when the audience are looking at the visuals of the song so an example of an music video that is use this angle is Lady Gaga's Just Dance ft Colby O' Donis where it appears around the 1.52 to 1.54 minute mark but the genre of the song is Pop, it is showing that the shot is focusing on the artist.
Canted Angle (Tilt)
The canted or also known Dutch angle (Tilt) is where the camera is in an slope so the horizontal and vertical lines will be changed rather than having an still camera shot of the artist so overall the composition would look better as the director is trying to be creative in terms of the camera work that the audience are going to be watching it due to the fact, they are interested in the visuals. An example of an Canted Angle being used is in Krept and Konan's Freak Of The Week which it had feature from American R&B singer of Jeremih which the angles appears 0.09 to 0.10 seconds into the video where Jeremih is lip-syncing his feature.
Crash Zoom
The definition of Crash Zoom where it is another type of camera movement where in any music video that is being watched by the audience is when the camera operator is moving in a fast rate towards to the artist which it is done by zooming in by the use of the camera on something but the reason why this is done because it creates an realization. An example of a music video that uses the crash zoom is One Direction's Perfect when the audience are feeling that they are moving towards the band member of Liam but the background of the shot is moving at the same time.
Birds Eye View
A Birds Eye View is where the shot is being filmed from the above of the location via going on higher ground or having an drone which it has a camera on it to film it although the camera operator will need to control it from causing damage to the product because they may need to pay for a new one. The reason why Birds Eye View is used in music video as it is establishing the scene of the location that is taking place and it can create an effect of looking down on the artist that appears in the video but here is an example of an hip-hop music video that uses this technique is Kid Ink's Summer In The Winter where it appears in the beginning of the video to show the location of which the video is going to be taking place.
Another thing that is related to camera movement which it can seen in a music video depending on the genre of the track/song is handheld where the definition behind this is a technique where the camera is being held by the operator's hands rather than having on the tripod which it creates an more realistic looking of the audience watching it like it is happening in real life. Finally another example of music video that is use Handheld is the song of Back-To Basics by CezPresents but the reason the cameraman decides to use this is because it is creating an sense of static due to the slow movement of the camera.
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