In this screenshot at the bottom of the this text that is getting written, it is unsigned artist of Johnny Hutch or he is also known as Johnny Hutchinson where the director (Lawrence) founded him and listened to his one of recent tracks of Two Wolves which he asked for permission to use his track because we are going to be making a music video for him as it is going to create his image for him and his audience in general because they are going to be interested in the visuals more than the music (audio) being heard in the video.

Technical Roles
In terms of the technical roles during the music video, we have given different roles within the group to fill in since we are in a group of four because it has different responsibilities to do the job so the director had to decide to carefully the people to can do the job well rather than stacking behind but he needs to pick us in terms of the experience that we have got as well.
James White: Director of Photography (Editor)/ Camera Operator
Age: 18
Gender: Male
I have been chosen as the camera operator for this music video because I have creative skills in shooting footage and have done this camera operator work previously which he had worked with Kenny and Ashley when they had worked on the 1 minute short horror film in the previous course of 90-Credit which he had a good praise for the camerawork being seen in the video so he knows to use the camera well. In terms of the responsibilities of this role, he will need to write up an storyboard of what is going to be happening within the different scenes of the music video but also, he is going to be working with the director of Lawrence in terms of the shooting script as well.
Daniel Storey: Producer
Age: 18
Gender: Male
The way that I found this person is via LinkedIn but the main reason why I was chosen to this role by the director is because I can be well-organized and self-motivated by making sure that the crew are up to date with the work in general like for example: if we are about to shoot on location for the music video then I need to make sure that everyone shows up on time to get started.
As I am the producer of the production company of I-Watch, the skills that is required to do this job is by being well organised and making sure that everyone in our group is working to their best ability as possible so they can meet the deadlines in time. Also I will need to write an risk assessment of the locations that we have chosen to film at because there will be hazards appearing which could end up harming one of our crew although I will need to get permission to film that particular location so we do not get in trouble with the police.
Gender: Female
Contact Email:
This person was found using the site of LinkedIn but the reason why she is good for this role because she has experience of working with lighting for other productions such as a short film that she worked with Maya in the previous coursework and how to use the equipment, which we will be hiring from the college for free of cost. Also she knows how to light a set so that it creates the mood of the song by having an steady hand which are holding the handheld lighting packs but during her role of this production team, she will be working with the Director of Photography for the animatic which it will show her creative side of editing each shot that is going to be seen in the video by cutting to the beat of the track which we are using to make an music video for the unsigned artist.
Lawrence Akintayo: Director
Age: 18
Gender: Male
He has taken the role of being the director because he found an unsigned artist and also has been given permission to use the track from the unsigned artist that we are going to be using to make music video with the track's genre being Electronic. Not only that, he is very imaginative when it comes to storytelling because he wants to show the audience of what is going to be seen in the video as it is his artistic vision so the video is going to be narrative-based story with some performance which it is going to challenge the conventions of an common music video that is seen today.
His responsibility is going to be making sure that he tells the actor (unsigned artist) what to do through the different shots that are going to be filmed at the location and may get seen in the final video and also includes doing an location recce where he wants to film and working with the director of photography/camera operator of James in terms of the Shooting Script.
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