Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Production Diary (Group Work)

As the producer of the production company of I-Watch, here are the dates that we as a team did the pre-production, production and post-production of making the Two Wolves Music Video.

21/11/16: Start of the pre-production work-Started setting up the production schedule, risk assessment, getting permission to use the locations.

27/11/16: Finished the pre-production work which my part was finished of getting permission to film at the locations, production schedule and risk assessment up to date.

28/11/16: Started the production stage by filming some coverage shots for the music video-made sure that the crew turned up to one of the locations which was London South Bank and Covent Garden. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video.

2/12/16: Filmed more shots at both locations of London South Bank and Convert Garden and my job was to check that the crew had turned which they did. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video.

4/12/16: Filmed at the location at Chestnut Close. I made sure that everyone which did include the artist turned up to the location as well. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video.

7/12/16: Filmed more coverage shots in Central London which was Convent Garden and South Bank as well. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video.

11/12/16: Again we filmed at Chestnut Close for the death scene which is going to be seen in the music video. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video.

14/12/16: Filmed in London for to get pick-up shots for our music video. Made sure the crew turned up with the correct equipment with them to film the different camera shots for the music video but the artist had to show up as well.

15/12/16: Started editing the music video of Two Wolves. I edited 40 seconds of the ending of the music video.

16/12/16: Put the final version of the music video onto my blogger.

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